Not so long ago, former Uyajola 9/9 TV host, Jub Jub shook the internet when he was exposed for having allegedly raped Amanda Du Pont for the two years they were together. Not only that, witnesses have come forward to corroborate her side of the story and now Mzansi has been rallying behind Amanda demanding that justice be served.
The expose has now seen many across social media take sides on whether or not Amanda was telling the truth and others demanding that Jub Jub be given a chance to give his side of the story. But since that is yet to happen, podcaster Slik Talk has decided that he is coming for Amanda with everything he’s got.
Taking to his Youtube, Slik Talk went on a rampage and if there is anything we have gathered so far from his episode, it’s that Slik Talk is will forever be on Jub Jub’s side.
“... Everything she said in that video is completely false. I don’t believe a word she is saying. Amanda Du “Fraud” we don't believe you, you need more people.”
That’s not all he said however. Slik talk went on ahead to call Amanda a clout chaser who will do anything for attention. “You have an obsession with powerful men. Jub Jub is successful now and you want to clout chase on this man’s name…”
According to Slik Talk, Amanda only reported the incident when she realized that Jub Jub is now more prominent than he was when they were still together and that she just wants to ruin his career. Long story short, “Amanda is a complete fraud.”
Taking to Twitter it seems now cancel culture is coming for Slik talk next. Many are finding his distasteful comments on Amanda uncalled for and out of line. Yes, he is on Jub Jub’s side, but he should not have dragged Amanda’s name the way he did.
Many are still in awe of how Slik Talk could be so loose lipped about the whole situation. Doesn’t he fear being sued? What does Slik Talk fear anyway? Isn’t he always the one picking fights with Zalebs every other day?
Distasteful or not, it seems others are in agreement with Slik Talk, saying that Amanda’s confession was suspicious and that there is no way they had been in a relationship for two years straight and she didn’t bother to say a thing.