Not so long ago, influencer Mihlali revealed that she'll be gracing the cover of online magazine, Moziak Africa.
The issue she's featured on combats period-shaming and encourages women to celebrate themselves.
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Despite not featuring in Brandwatch’s Top 25 Most Influential Women In South African list, Mihlali has still topped the Twitter trends list, with Tweeps outraged at her snub. The social media influencer has garnered a large following on all platforms and has consistently featured on the trending list almost every tweet, which is why her followers remain confused at the verdict.
According to Tweeps, Mihlali has been considered one of the most influential women in South Africa since she came onto the scene as a beauty blogger. Azee stated, “The fact that Mihlali is trending just shows that she's one of most influential women in South Africa and she should have been on the list.”