Fans of #PhatJoeAndTheFamily are distraught again as controversial radio host Phat Joe was a no show at work again today. The real reason behind his absenteeism is unknown but some fans said he is allegedly not feeling well.
Phat Joe hogged headlines last week after reports emerged that he was bunking work. The rumour mill was on overdrive that he was even suspended, but a few days down the line he was back on air.
Joe who co-hosts the Phat Joe and The Family show with Nala Tose did not report for duty last week on Friday and Thursday. But speaking to Daily Sun SABC Spokesperson Mmoni Seapolelo said Joe is entitled to take some time off from work hence he was off.
Listeners have since been raging about Joe's conduct and absenteeism from work. Some said he is definitely not a morning person and should be moved to another slot.
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They said he has been not reporting for duty on several occasions and they are fed up. Some have not even wasted their time to listen to the show without him.