The songs on Lock Down are just too much

The songs on Lockdown have cause some serious heartache.

By  | Jun 22, 2020, 01:46 PM 

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Lorcia Cooper

As we all may know Lockdown always ends on a somber note and this evening's episode was no differant.

With people's fingers getting chopped off and friends scarring each other on the face, Lockdown has become one emotional rollercoaster ride. But that hasn't stopped us from watching the show.

The music on this riveting drama has evoked so many emotions with viewers that people had to comment on the soundtrack selection and we agree, those songs know how to bring a tear to one's eyes.

When Tyson heard about her brother's death, it's not only her crying that got us all choked up as well, but it was also the background music.

That scene had us weeping like...

Then there was the scene when Nkuli's friend scarred her face....yep, by then we were deep in our feelings.

But it's true, next year The Best Soundtrack in a drama category needs to go to Lockdown the SAFTAs.

But on a lighter note, we chuckled a bit with tears still in our eyes when Sharon said "She's still a catch."



Gogo's tea must be really working, the woman is delusional.


Main Image Credit: Supplied

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