Hungani was recently on YFM with Khutso Theledi and they revealed that they are family. |We are cousins and I just want to say that I am so proud of you,” said Khutso.
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Hungani and Stephanie Ndlovu revealed recently that they tested positive for Covid19. The couple took to their YouTube channel, The Ndlovu’s Uncut, to share the unpleasant news.
“On Saturday before Mother’s Day, the Friday, I went for a shoot and managed to shoot the whole day. And the Saturday I wake up with Dololo taste. It’s gone. Like I have no taste, I have zero smell.” Shared Stephanie. “Like absolutely nothing. Worst of all I knew there was a problem. Guys, have you ever smelled eucalyptus oil?If you can’t smell eucalyptus oil, there is a problem. So I say to Hungani on Saturday that this is Covid.
“So Sunday, my symptoms also started to pick up a little bit. And you (Stephanie were not feeling good at all. We went to test and the results came back positive the next morning,” she added.
Hungani also went to get tested and his results came back positive. “Besides from the loss of taste and a little bit of the tight chest, I think the most difficult thing was isolating from each other in the house. We were not sleeping in the same room. Pretty much not eating in the same space. Medically that’s what recommended because of the spreading of gems.” Interjected the actor.
Steph revealed that she had the worst symptoms between the two. “But I think my symptoms were worse than yours. I only had one day when I was out and could not get out of bed. My head was spinning; my chest was extremely heavy. The rest of the days, to me at least, felt like gold. The symptom that frustrated me the most was the taste and the smell. Guys, you will not appreciate certain stuff until you lose it. And especially things that you take for granted like your senses. “