Radio veteran, Penny Lebyane has announced that her relationship with Massiv Metro has ended after a 4 year stint. The radio DJ took to Twitter to announce the news to her fan base who received the news with mixed emotions.
Penny joined Massiv Metro 4 years ago and has a long list of radio accolades. Having worked with several radio stations, Penny's name carries weight in the broadcasting world.
Taking to Twitter, Penny announced that her run with Massiv Metro has ended, “Please note I have parted ways with the online digital platform#masivemetro after a successful four years run four years run first as Massive morning host the #phly 3to5daily.”
“I had a great time with the team as well as the guests all around. Thank you to everyone who was part of the experience,“ tweeted Penny.
Please note that l have parted ways with online digital platform #MassivMetro after a successful 4yrs run first as #MassivMornings host then #Phly3to5 daily. I had a great time wt the team and guests all round. Thank you to everyone who was part of the experience🙌🏽🙏🏼
— PennyLebyane💚PennyLebyaneDotAfrica (@PennyLebyane) February 24, 2023
Zimoja reported that the poet and activist was ordered to pay R200 000 and Penny Lebyane apparently paid R80 000, to which she flatly denied doing so.
"I didn’t pay anyone anything. Not a cent. I don’t have money to waste. 1st l was not a responded in case. I filed to ask the court why my trading name Penny Lebyane is in paragraph 15 of an affidavit, which the response was it was a Mistake but l must pay for asking. I refused.
"But that won’t be mentioned because it’s nothing to gloat about. I will stand in my truth as l always have. I just wish he would “Keep My Name Out Of His Mouth” and stop policing my Lived Experience and centering himself. I have had so many DJ Boyfriends honestly l have," she said in the tweets.
Penny once defended herself, “Imagine being a girl who’s not famous trying to out your famous rapist abuser, ex-emotional abuser boyfriend, or even talk about your experience. Besides the worry that no one will believe you, we now know that no one wants to hear it, and he’ll vehemently deny it. Until you're dead. If you were 17 years old when it happened now, you are a professional career woman, probably married with children or with another man who doesn’t want to hear it, or colleagues, or friends who cringe about it. Let go they all say cos you're the unstable one…So don’t expect victims to say.”