Sammy Heavens and Nasty C have been together for a long time, before all the fame and money, the two were High School sweethearts. Nasty C has dedicated numerous songs to her and their youthful relationship on different albums, initially the young King tried to shield Sammy from the media to protect the innocence of their relationship but eventually, he let it go public.
The Tweep, going by the handle @SlikTalk_SA was destroyed by Nasty C fans after he posted a video in which he brutally bashes Sammy. He goes on to call her all sorts of things, among them a "gold digger" and "lazy" parasite who has achieved nothing in her life. He went on to question why she is with Nasty C and what he see's in her.
"I want to talk about value. What does Sammie Heavens have to offer? What does she contribute to the table? What is her value as a person?."
Luckily, Sammy Heavens has guardian angels in the form of her boyfriend's fans, they didn't hold back from defending her and calling out this clout chaser.
this was so uncalled for. why would you set up a camera, sit down, turn it on and make this? what was the reason? hayi man, umdala
"But it's fine. It's okay, I will listen to my rapper's music and only my rapper's music. And it's fine. I won't listen to other rappers or go to their shows. It's fine, I won't listen to their music, or download their music. I won't follow them on Instagram or like their tweets. I won't even see their names on Twitter because I will block their names. Because oh my gosh, my phone had this person's name, God f***** forbid,"
Luckily, Nasty C never takes the hate to heart and always claps back with his own sub Tweets to address haters, we guess being successful comes with a pinch of salt and you should never take anything to her.
I’m Nasty fucking C, everybody around me got thick skin.. y’all boring me🥱😴