There's a reason why they are called "Blue Mondays", after a weekend of relaxation, having to be at work or going back to your hustle on a Monday is draining. But because everyone is adulting, it must be done! Luckily, you can find solace that even the most successful people go through the feels of a Monday morning, you are not alone.
It's even more comforting when our favs remind us that this day is just the start of good things to come, if you set your mind to it.
Norma, from The Queen Mzansi, better known as Brenda Ngxoli had some motivational words for her followers and everyone awake on the timeline. Brenda Ngxoli, who turned 40 years-old 9 months ago would know a thing or two about "dustng" oneself off and moving forward.
"Its a New Day! It's a New Week. Dust Yourself and Move Forward!" #Norma#TheQueenMzansi"
"It was full of tears and also I got to learn more about the African tradition, medicines and cultures and how we do things in Xhosa tradition. So it's all growth but growth comes at a price and you have to be prepared to sweat for a little bit."
Nomuzi Mabena, AKA, Moozlie also had a few nuggets of wisdom to share with everyone who might be feeling down and doubting themselves this Monday morning.
As you go out into the week please remember that no one ever says they things they say on twitter in real life. Not even the people you actually know. All you need to know is... Ok’salayo 🙅🏾♀️🔥
Moozlie's thread reminded Tweeps that the online life and real-life are two different worlds and that people must pursue their dreams all the time by telling the devil off. No matter what the situation, keep it moving, according to Nomuzi.
"As you go out into the week please remember that no one ever says they things they say on twitter in real life. Not even the people you actually know. All you need to know is... Ok’salayo"
"Also... no matter what the outside circumstances might indicate... PURSUE!!! PURSUE!!! PURSUE!!! Don’t ever ever stop! PUTSUE!!!"
"Lastly... speak back to the devil. Don’t be a victim of your closed mouth! Tell him to f*ck off"
If these two Queens don't get your Monday off to a good start, then we don't know what will, we can only imagine them working in the entertainment industry is one of the most challenging jobs and their Mondays are as blue as they get.